Most of the Code S groups are loaded with talent. This one is something of an exception:
Player | | Code S Rank | 2010 Results |
MarineKingPrimeWE | T | #5 | DNQ, second place, ro8 |
ZeNEXLiveForever | T | T-#11 | ro4, DNQ, DNQ |
TSLClide | T | #26 | ro16, ro64, ro64 |
SlayerSLegalMinD | P | T-#29 | ro16, ro64, DNQ |
MarineKingPrimeWE, known in GSL 2 as BoxeR and (in the foreign community) Foxer, is sometimes criticized for being one-dimensional but his micro-heavy style can be incredibly exciting to watch. ZeNEXLiveForever was a semifinalist in GSL 1 but then did not attempt to qualify for the next two GSL tournaments due to academic commitments. No one is sure exactly how much he's practiced and what kind of shape he's really in, but he was something of an unexpected semifinalist even in GSL 1 so it could be tough. TSLClide impressed Artosis early in GSL 1 and has been talked up ever since on air, but he hasn't really had any, er, results. However, in GSL 3 he played an absolutely amazing match against LeenockfOu so perhaps he's just been unlucky in his opponents. SlayerSLegalMinD did well in GSL 1 but hasn't made much of an impact since then, so depending on how rusty you think LiveForever is, LegalMinD is probably the underdog of the group.
As usual, when checking out the
group G VOD there are some basic subtitled video interviews with each player before their first game (for game 2 it's on the end of the game 1 video).
MarineKingPrimeWE (T) vs. TSLClide (T) on Xel'Naga Caverns
Match Rating: 7/10
Click for match play by play
One barracks fast expand on the low ground for MarineKing, Clide gets a command center in his main
Three more barracks under construction for MarineKing, two more barracks for Clide
MarineKing scans, sees Clide's barracks and the command center floating to the natural, and moves out
He has nine marines in his initial wave, Clide has less marines defending
Clide's reinforcements come in from the side and despite some reinforcements for MarineKing he holds off the pressure
Engineering bay, factory, stim, and shields for MarineKing, three more reactors for Clide, shields, and a factory
Starport going up for MarineKing, Clide making some marauders
Starport coming for Clide, medivacs being made for MarineKing
MarineKing's marines take out the rocks at the gold, then slowly work their way up the map
Clide has more marauders in his infantry composition...MarineKing moves into the natural
The two infantry armies engage...Clide's marines win but all the SCVs at the natural are shot down by MarineKing's marines
Clide starts to counterattack, but empty dropships in the back of his main cause his army to temporarily pull back
Clide is at a considerable disadvantage in SCVs but he has a larger army
The two armies meet at MarineKing's watchtower and Clide's army wins again
Clide's fifteen surviving marines force the command center at the gold to cancel
Now Clide's army swoops down, takes out the defending marines in MarineKing's base, and pushes into the main
MarineKing concedes
Clide's superior upgrades certainly helped in the marine fights, and while I'm not positive I think in the initial engagement MarineKing actually focused the SCVs instead of the marines. At the very least, he let the automatic targeting take out the SCVs. Clide was crippled but he was smart enough to hit while he still could.
SlayerSLegalMinD vs. ZeNEXLiveForever (T) on Shakuras Plateau
Match Rating: 4/10
Click for match play by play
Top positions, LiveForever at 10 and LegalMinD at 2
Standard openings for both players, factory and bunker for LiveForever
Starport and tech lab for LiveForever, four gates for LegalMinD
Proxy pylon going up at the top gold expansion
Banshee and tank start for LiveForever, LegalMinD moves out with his stalkers and sentries
The first banshee heads out to LegalMinD's base, raven coming up next from the starport
LegalMinD's army moves up the ramp and force fields behind the bunker to prevent retreat
In LegalMinD's base the banshee rapidly kills probes, but four zealots, three stalkers, and a sentry are alive in LiveForever's base
The banshee starts attacking LegalMinD's nexus and LiveForever lifts his command center and flies it off the map
If LegalMinD loses his nexus it will be a draw, but the stalkers get back and fend off the banshees, allowing the surviving probes to go back to work
LiveForever concedes
Well, four gate rush beats uncloaked banshees. With cloak it seems like LiveForever could have at least gotten a draw or in fact probably won, but he wanted to get a tank.
Match 1 winner vs Match 2 loser
Match Rating: 5/10
Click for match play by play
TSLClide (T) vs. ZeNEXLiveForever (T) vs. on Steppes of War
Two barracks for LiveForever, factory for Clide
Clide pressures with three marines and an SCV
There are only two marines at the top of the ramp...they both die and Clide has two marines left over
There's a reactor on LiveForever's barracks so two marines come out, forcing Clide to retreat
A hellion reinforces and he tries to break the ramp again, but there's enough marines and SCVs now to defend
Clide getting a starport and a tank
Clide sends two more hellions and a marine or two, but LiveForever pulls back and then moves in with marauders
Clide retreats in the face of the marauders. LiveForever pursues with...everything, including most of his SCVs.
Clide builds a couple barracks at the top of his ramp and a brief hesitation from LiveForever gives them time to finish
LiveForever moves up the ramp and kills the barracks, but the most of his marines are killed, leaving him with mainly SCVs
A banshee comes out of the starport and goes to kill the reinforcing marines
LiveForever surrenders
Surprisingly aggressive play from Clide despite the fact he was teching to banshees. Against a better player he might have paid for it, but you can't argue with the results.
Match 2 winner vs Match 1 loser
Match Rating: 3/10
Click for match play by play
MarineKingPrimeWE (T) vs. SlayerSLegalMinD on Metalopolis
Close air positions, MarineKing at 6 and LegalMinD at 9
Standard openings for both players
MarineKing does his usual one barracks fast expand, but he gets gas to get a reactor
Two more barracks for MarineKing, three gate robotics for LegalMinD
Stim for MarineKing as he floats the command center to the natural, immortal coming from the robotics
LegalMinD puts a proxy pylon in the center of the map and moves his army there
An SCV sees an immortal, but of course MarineKing's composition is (surprise) mainly marines with a few marauders mixed in
LegalMinD cuts MarineKing's army in half, but he doesn't have enough zealots nor are they in front...his army melts
MarineKing counters to the natural where a nexus was warping in, not a lot to defend
LegalMinD concedes
Doing a fast immortal rush against a guy whose name is MarineKing...questionable.
Deciding Game(s)
Match Rating: 8/10
Click for match play by play
MarineKingPrimeWE (T) vs. SlayerSLegalMinD on Steppes of War, winner advances (second) and the loser is eliminated (third)
Standard opening for LegalMinD, factory and then second barracks for MarineKing
Four gateways for LegalMinD, bunker going up at the top of MarineKing's ramp
Proxy pylon warping in on the high ground above the rocks, tank coming from the factory
The stalkers and zealots storm up MarineKing's ramp
Initially it looks like MarineKing is going to hold it, but reinforcements break the defenses at the top of the ramp
MarineKing retreats toward his production builds and SCVs repair his one tank
For a time the game is balanced on a knife edge with both players trading blows in MarineKing's base at even supply
LegalMinD drops back to reinforce
MarineKing starts a bunker as LegalMinD attacks again
A force field helps block the zealots away from the marines and LegalMinD has to withdraw back to his base
MarineKing moves out with two tanks and about 16 marines and skirmishes in the middle of the map
Force fields go down, initially trapping the tanks, but they escape
LegalMinD has to withdraw to his main. Siege mode is finishing for MarineKing
Stalkers warp in behind MarineKing's army to cut off reinforcements
MarineKing moves up the ramp and has his marines cut off by a force field
But the tanks are sieged behind them and devastate the Protoss army, including the stalkers attacking from behind
Despite heavy losses MarineKing establishes a siege contain and LegalMinD doesn't have the units to break it
MarineKing inches his siege tanks forward and when his marines go up the map LegalMinD engages
There are too many siege tanks in position and LegalMinD retreats again
MarineKing's units stream into LegalMinD's main, destroying the few units and probes there defending it
LegalMinD surrenders
An exciting, back and forth game that really felt like it could go either way. With some better force field placement LegalMinD might have scraped out a victory, but in the end it was MarineKing's micro that proved superior.
Group G Results and Commentary
Click for results, standings, and commentary
TSLClide (1-0) defeats MarineKingPrimeWE (0-1)
SlayerSLegalMinD (1-0) defeats ZeNEXLiveForever (0-1)
TSLClide (2-0) defeats ZeNEXLiveForever (0-2) [Clide advances, LiveForever eliminated]
MarineKingPrimeWE (1-1) defeats SlayerSLegalMinD (1-1) [Clide clinches first, LiveForever finishes last]
MarineKingPrimeWE (2-1) defeats SlayerSLegalMinD (1-2) [MarineKing takes second and advances, LegalMinD ends up third and is eliminated]
1. TSLClide
2. MarineKingPrimeWE
3. SlayerSLegalMinD
4. ZeNEXLiveForever
People complain about Tasteless and Artosis' relentless hyping of Clide, but the game against LeenockfOu in GSL 3 proved he's a force to be reckoned with. He beat one of the best Terran players out there in MarineKing. It was a weak group, but who knows, maybe this really is Clide's time? Despite his initial loss to Clide, MarineKing looks like he's still a contender, especially with his (slightly) more diverse play. LegalMinD came close but he couldn't find a way to beat MarineKing, which is pretty much what everyone expected given their past performances. LiveForever looked about as rusty as you'd expect for someone who hasn't been playing competitively in a couple months. I think he's going to be a player that a Code A promotion hopeful will be glad to see they've been matched up with.
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