EGIdrA Zerg #21 Map Veto: Delta Quadrant 2010 Results: ro32, ro16, ro32 GSL 4 Results: L LiquidJinro W oGsEnsnare W CheckPrimeWE W TSLClide W NsPGenius W oGsNaDa | vs. | LiquidJinro Terran T-#11 Map Veto: Blistering Sands 2010 Results: DNQ, DNQ, ro4 GSL 4 Results: W EGIdrA L CheckPrimeWE W oGsEnsnare L MarineKingPrimeWE W oGsMC W oGsMC |
Maps: Xel'Naga Caverns, Metalopolis, Shakuras Plateau, Jungle Basin, Lost Temple |
MarineKingPrimeWE Terran #5 Map Veto: Jungle Basin 2010 Results: DNQ, second place, ro8 GSL 4 Results: L TSLClide W SlayerSLegalMinD W SlayerSLegalMinD W LiquidJinro W STRainBOw | vs. | oGsNaDa Terran #20 Map Veto: Lost Temple 2010 Results: DNQ, ro8, DNQ GSL 4 Results: L oGsMC W oGsInCa W oGsInCa W NsPGenius W TSLClide L EGIdrA |
Maps: Shakuras Plateau, Lost Temple, Xel'Naga Caverns, Steppes of War, Metalopolis |
EGIdrA (Z) vs. LiquidJinro (T)
Match Rating: 6/10
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Game 1 - Xel'Naga Caverns
Hatch first for IdrA, factory for Jinro
Roach warren for IdrA, hellion for Jinro
Jinro starts a command center and pressures with four marines and an SCV
Starport for Jinro, the hellion joins the marines
Roaches come out for IdrA and force Jinro to retreat
The roaches go all the way to Jinro's ramp and start hitting Jinro's barracks
Lair and zerglings speed for IdrA...the roaches come very close to taking down the barracks but SCVs repair it
Jinro's first banshee comes out so the surviving roaches retreat
Jinro floats his starport and command center to the natural, tries to build a bunker but a roach kills the SCV
Spire for IdrA, stim for Jinro
8 mutalisks and air attack on the way for IdrA as well as a baneling nest
The banshee harasses creep tumors but gets killed by a queen
Armory and turrets being built by Jinro as the mutalisks fly toward his main
The mutalisks snipe a medivac, then kill a few SCVs in Jinro's main
IdrA has taken his third and is getting baneling speed, siege mode coming for Jinro
Zerglings take out the rocks at IdrA's gold
Jinro also takes out the rocks, mutalisks snipe the tech lab on his factory
IdrA still making mutalisks, third command center almost done for Jinro as well as a second factory
IdrA attacks Jinro's forces near Jinro's gold, killing a few tanks with mutalisks while the marines run from the banelings
Jinro moves toward IdrA's gold but IdrA kills his units and counters up toward Jinro's gold and magic boxes a thor
Hive coming for IdrA, three more barracks for Jinro
IdrA's huge group of about twenty mutalisks move into Jinro's main and pick off a reactor
IdrA up to 27 mutalisks and is maxed
IdrA attacks with everything he's got, killing the marines and then positioning his mutalisks over Jinro's production buildings
Jinro concedes
Great game from IdrA.
Game 2 - Metalopolis
Close ground positions, IdrA at 12 and Jinro at 9
Gas then pool for IdrA, Jinro walls in the bottom of his ramp
Jinro builds two barracks at the bottom of IdrA's ramp
IdrA sends in drones and kills one SCV before it finishes the bunker but the other finishes
Jinro's marines arrive while zerglings try to take down the unfinished bunker
IdrA concedes
Well, that certainly didn't look unwinnable to me. Especially considering it was Metalopolis with the Terran-favored Jungle Basin and Lost Temple still to come, very surprising that IdrA wouldn't at least take things a little farther.
Game 3 - Shakuras Plateau
Lower positions, Jinro at 7 and IdrA at 4
Once again Jinro walls in on the low ground, hatch first for IdrA
Jinro builds a bunker just outside IdrA's natural
IdrA makes a spine crawler once the hatchery finishes
Command center for Jinro, zergling speed for IdrA
Jinro walls in his natural with barracks while he fences with IdrA at IdrA's natural
Jinro's command center lands at his expansion, factory coming
Lair and baneling nest now for IdrA, who has cleared away Jinro's bunker
Starport, stim, and more barracks for Jinro
IdrA's zerglings start taking down the rocks between bases
Baneling speed for IdrA, then a spire
Jinro heads across the bottom of the map with two medivacs and some marines
IdrA makes banelings as the marines move into his main
The marines shoot down a queen, then pull back when banelings are made
IdrA expanding to a third and getting mutalisks, Jinro getting siege mode
Tanks and marines pour across the bottom of the map
IdrA takes out the siege tanks but plenty of marines survive the banelings
Jinro moves into IdrA's main and kills banelings that are morphing
Zerglings whittle down the marine numbers but reinforcements continue to arrive
IdrA concedes
Now IdrA is in trouble, playing an elimination match on Jungle Basin. Good play from Jinro.
Game 4 - Jungle Basin
IdrA 6-pools, Jinro gets two barracks
Jinro's late scouting SCV misses the zerglings.
The zerglings move up the ramp and destroy one of the barracks
The first marine makes a run for a bunker built behind Jinro's mineral line
The zerglings attack the orbital command and get it to low health, but Jinro builds another bunker that can cover it
IdrA surrenders
If IdrA had just managed to kill that marine the game was his, but Jinro managed to get it back to the bunker.
Commentary: I don't think anyone expected this match to involve two cheese games, but that's why they play the games. IdrA's 6 pool was actually pretty clever...Artosis said it was based on Jinro's scouting patterns and sure enough he got almost all the way to Jinro's main without Jinro knowing it was coming. As for Jinro's bunker wall-in, I suppose you can't argue with the results. I wonder if IdrA regrets giving up so quickly, however. I understand he's trying to avoid going on tilt but that was "his" map and he needed to hold serve there. Jinro is now in very select company: only IMNesTea and STRainBOw have made the semifinals of two GSLs, and only RainBOw did it back to back the way Jinro has.
Hatch first for IdrA, factory for Jinro
Roach warren for IdrA, hellion for Jinro
Jinro starts a command center and pressures with four marines and an SCV
Starport for Jinro, the hellion joins the marines
Roaches come out for IdrA and force Jinro to retreat
The roaches go all the way to Jinro's ramp and start hitting Jinro's barracks
Lair and zerglings speed for IdrA...the roaches come very close to taking down the barracks but SCVs repair it
Jinro's first banshee comes out so the surviving roaches retreat
Jinro floats his starport and command center to the natural, tries to build a bunker but a roach kills the SCV
Spire for IdrA, stim for Jinro
8 mutalisks and air attack on the way for IdrA as well as a baneling nest
The banshee harasses creep tumors but gets killed by a queen
Armory and turrets being built by Jinro as the mutalisks fly toward his main
The mutalisks snipe a medivac, then kill a few SCVs in Jinro's main
IdrA has taken his third and is getting baneling speed, siege mode coming for Jinro
Zerglings take out the rocks at IdrA's gold
Jinro also takes out the rocks, mutalisks snipe the tech lab on his factory
IdrA still making mutalisks, third command center almost done for Jinro as well as a second factory
IdrA attacks Jinro's forces near Jinro's gold, killing a few tanks with mutalisks while the marines run from the banelings
Jinro moves toward IdrA's gold but IdrA kills his units and counters up toward Jinro's gold and magic boxes a thor
Hive coming for IdrA, three more barracks for Jinro
IdrA's huge group of about twenty mutalisks move into Jinro's main and pick off a reactor
IdrA up to 27 mutalisks and is maxed
IdrA attacks with everything he's got, killing the marines and then positioning his mutalisks over Jinro's production buildings
Jinro concedes
Great game from IdrA.
Game 2 - Metalopolis
Close ground positions, IdrA at 12 and Jinro at 9
Gas then pool for IdrA, Jinro walls in the bottom of his ramp
Jinro builds two barracks at the bottom of IdrA's ramp
IdrA sends in drones and kills one SCV before it finishes the bunker but the other finishes
Jinro's marines arrive while zerglings try to take down the unfinished bunker
IdrA concedes
Well, that certainly didn't look unwinnable to me. Especially considering it was Metalopolis with the Terran-favored Jungle Basin and Lost Temple still to come, very surprising that IdrA wouldn't at least take things a little farther.
Game 3 - Shakuras Plateau
Lower positions, Jinro at 7 and IdrA at 4
Once again Jinro walls in on the low ground, hatch first for IdrA
Jinro builds a bunker just outside IdrA's natural
IdrA makes a spine crawler once the hatchery finishes
Command center for Jinro, zergling speed for IdrA
Jinro walls in his natural with barracks while he fences with IdrA at IdrA's natural
Jinro's command center lands at his expansion, factory coming
Lair and baneling nest now for IdrA, who has cleared away Jinro's bunker
Starport, stim, and more barracks for Jinro
IdrA's zerglings start taking down the rocks between bases
Baneling speed for IdrA, then a spire
Jinro heads across the bottom of the map with two medivacs and some marines
IdrA makes banelings as the marines move into his main
The marines shoot down a queen, then pull back when banelings are made
IdrA expanding to a third and getting mutalisks, Jinro getting siege mode
Tanks and marines pour across the bottom of the map
IdrA takes out the siege tanks but plenty of marines survive the banelings
Jinro moves into IdrA's main and kills banelings that are morphing
Zerglings whittle down the marine numbers but reinforcements continue to arrive
IdrA concedes
Now IdrA is in trouble, playing an elimination match on Jungle Basin. Good play from Jinro.
Game 4 - Jungle Basin
IdrA 6-pools, Jinro gets two barracks
Jinro's late scouting SCV misses the zerglings.
The zerglings move up the ramp and destroy one of the barracks
The first marine makes a run for a bunker built behind Jinro's mineral line
The zerglings attack the orbital command and get it to low health, but Jinro builds another bunker that can cover it
IdrA surrenders
If IdrA had just managed to kill that marine the game was his, but Jinro managed to get it back to the bunker.
Commentary: I don't think anyone expected this match to involve two cheese games, but that's why they play the games. IdrA's 6 pool was actually pretty clever...Artosis said it was based on Jinro's scouting patterns and sure enough he got almost all the way to Jinro's main without Jinro knowing it was coming. As for Jinro's bunker wall-in, I suppose you can't argue with the results. I wonder if IdrA regrets giving up so quickly, however. I understand he's trying to avoid going on tilt but that was "his" map and he needed to hold serve there. Jinro is now in very select company: only IMNesTea and STRainBOw have made the semifinals of two GSLs, and only RainBOw did it back to back the way Jinro has.
MarineKingPrimeWE (T) vs. oGsNaDa (T)
Match Rating: 10/10
VOD Link
Click for match play by play and commentary
Game 1 - Shakuras Plateau
Cross positions, MarineKing at 10 and NaDa at 5
Gas then factory for NaDa, no gas fast expand for MarineKing
Two more barracks for MarineKing, starport for NaDa
MarineKing pokes out into the center of the map but then moves back
NaDa gets a hellion while making a banshee and researching cloak
The hellion harasses MarineKing's front but gets shot down
The first banshee arrives at MarineKing's expansion and kills three SCVs
MarineKing making turrets and getting stim, NaDa making a command center
MarineKing scans and kills the banshee with his marines
Seocnd banshee arrives at MarineKing's natural, then moves to the main and kills some SCVs
Another scan and kill for MarineKing
MarineKing getting a starport, NaDa getting two more barracks, a second factory, and an engineering bay
MarineKing sends a large group of marines to the center of the map, NaDa getting stim and making tanks
Third command center going up for MarineKing
MarineKing loads up two medivacs full of marines and drops NaDa's natural, killing SCVs and marines
Two dropships full of marines heading toward MarineKing's side of the map for NaDa
The dropships go all the way up to MarineKing's main and attacks the mineral line
MarineKing turns around to deal with the drop, NaDa's army follows into the center of the map
MarineKing suddenly turns on NaDa's army, stims, and moves in and kills the siege tanks before they can siege
MarineKing pushes all the way into NaDa's main
Both players took huge losses. MarineKing lost his main's command center and a lot of SCVs while NaDa's tank count is reset.
MarineKing loads a huge number of medivacs and heads into NaDa's main
NaDa counters to MarineKing's natural with a marine/tank army
NaDa's large infantry force plows through MarineKing's main. MarineKing destroys NaDa's main command center.
MarineKing floats his buildings to the corner and tries to rebuild production facilities at his third
NaDa's last command center is shot down, he gets revealed
MarineKing tries to build a starport but NaDa's army finds it
MarineKing still has one command center floating around the edge of the map while he kills NaDa's supply depot
MarineKing probably can't win but he may be able to force a draw since NaDa has no air units
MarineKing flying his marines around in medivacs and picking off NaDa's SCVs
NaDa forces a brief battle with MarineKing's units and inflicts heavy losses
NaDa lands his starport in hopes of making a viking but he doesn't have the supply to make it
Maybe if NaDa kills his own units and makes a viking...but then MarineKing still has enough left to kill him
Artosis claims MarineKing can't win but technically he could. He has plenty of minerals and an orbital command. He needs to build an SCV or two somehow.
MarineKing's dropships find the starport and shoot it into the yellow...but not quite into the red
NaDa moves troops into position to defend the starport and starts killing his own units
MarineKing flies away...he's landed his orbital command on the other side of the map and is mining with mules
MarineKing kills most of his own units, destroys NaDa's last supply depot, then builds an SCV
NaDa's army narrowly misses seeing MarineKing's orbital. MarineKing builds supply depots in a part of the map
MarineKing lands his barracks and starts making marines. NaDa moves to attack with his army.
NaDa's army forces MarineKing to lift his barracks again, shooting down one of them
MarineKing builds bunkers around his orbital command.
NaDa's army moves in to MarineKing's little base. He kills a bunker but his marines are almost dead. He goes instead and starts killing supply depots.
MarineKing pursues with his marines and wipes out NaDa's marines.
NaDa concedes
Totally insane game. Very interesting to see both players trying to adapt to an almost completely novel situation. You'd think NaDa's experience would come in handy, but MarineKing was the one who came up with a solution. I'm especially impressed with MarineKing's turn back on NaDa's army in the middle of the map, since without that bold move he surely would have gotten contained and lost.
Game 2 - Lost Temple
Close ground positions, MarineKing at 9 and NaDa at 12
MarineKing builds a second barracks on the edge of his base. The second barracks then floats to the low ground to avoid getting scouted.
Reaper for NaDa. MarineKing sends a ton of SCVs with his marine rush.
SCVs kill the reaper. That done there's nothing much to stop the marines.
MarineKing's marines cut through the SCVs, killing them all.
NaDa concedes
The opposite of game 1, I suppose. MarineKing has such a reputation for fast expand builds that it's tough to deal with a sudden marine rush.
Game 3 - Xel'Naga Caverns
Both players get quick command centers. NaDa's is actually slightly ahead and built at the expansion as well.
Second barracks and stim for MarineKing...then he cancels it and gets shields instead
Factory for NaDa, then later a factory for MarineKing as well
Starport for NaDa, stim now for MarineKing
Banshee and cloak for NaDa, starport for MarineKing
Three bunkers at NaDa's expansion, siege mode researching
Engineering bay for MarineKing as the first banshee arrives at his natural
MarineKing scans and kills the banshee after only 4 SCV kills
MarineKing's first group of marines is just outside NaDa's natural but waiting for reinforcements
The second banshee arrives at MarineKing's natural and forces him to pull back marines to deal with it
The banshee remains coy so MarineKing moves out again with his large marine army
Stim coming for NaDa, MarineKing mkaing two more barracks
MarineKing loads his dropships and drops the back of Nada's main, bypassing the bunkers
The marines shoot down NaDa's starport and engineering bay, then withdraw in their dropships
NaDa's second banshee pokes back into the main and is killed. MarineKing takes out the rocks at his gold.
NaDa has eight siege tanks and plenty of marines. MarineKing bypasses it and goes around to NaDa's expansion
MarineKing attacks NaDa's expansion but there are multiple bunkers and siege tanks there
Meanwhile NaDa moves into MarineKing's main and ravages the main
MarineKing shoots down NaDa's last command center and has built one at his natural fourth.
Once again NaDa has a superior army but MarineKing has the orbital command
NaDa builds a command center at MarineKing's old natural.
MarineKing builds starpots for banshees. Meanwhile NaDa shoots down the command center at his fourth
MarineKing has hidden supply depots all over the bottom of the map. Meanwhile he adds tech labs to his starports.
NaDa pushes toward MarineKing's last command center but MarineKing goes in with his marines and kills them
NaDa's floating barracks finds the starports. The first banshee is out, but no cloak yet.
The banshee immediately gets killed by NaDa's marines. MarineKing seems to abandon banshees and takes NaDa's gold instead.
While NaDa attacks the starports, MarineKing attacks his production facilities
NaDa pursues MarineKing's units but MarineKing turns and wipes out some of his forces
NaDa's tanks force MarineKing's orbital to lift, but meanwhile MarineKing takes down NaDa's barracks
MarineKing makes a viking and starts shooting the builds NaDa has floating in the upper left corner of the map
Meanwhile the two ground armies engage and MarineKing defeats NaDa's army
NaDa surrenders
Brilliant play by MarineKing. Once again he seemed like he was at a disadvantage when the elimination race began but he turned it around with clever maneuvering and superior small unit group micro.
Commentary: As I thought, MarineKing's micro was superior to NaDa's. Somehow MarineKing managed to find situations where he could turn this to his advantage. Instead of engaging NaDa's armies in games 1 and 3, he traded bases and then outfought NaDa with what was left over. And game 2 of course was a micro-intensive marine/SCV all-in. It's possible, as I think Tasteless suggested, that MarineKing's style means he plays these sort of matches much more frequently. That would explain why he seemed so much more effective than NaDa, but again I think a big part of it is the simple fact that MarineKing can find ways to win battles he shouldn't. NaDa moved his units around and attacked things, but MarineKing made dynamic moves with his stimmed marines to eke out advantages wherever he could.
Cross positions, MarineKing at 10 and NaDa at 5
Gas then factory for NaDa, no gas fast expand for MarineKing
Two more barracks for MarineKing, starport for NaDa
MarineKing pokes out into the center of the map but then moves back
NaDa gets a hellion while making a banshee and researching cloak
The hellion harasses MarineKing's front but gets shot down
The first banshee arrives at MarineKing's expansion and kills three SCVs
MarineKing making turrets and getting stim, NaDa making a command center
MarineKing scans and kills the banshee with his marines
Seocnd banshee arrives at MarineKing's natural, then moves to the main and kills some SCVs
Another scan and kill for MarineKing
MarineKing getting a starport, NaDa getting two more barracks, a second factory, and an engineering bay
MarineKing sends a large group of marines to the center of the map, NaDa getting stim and making tanks
Third command center going up for MarineKing
MarineKing loads up two medivacs full of marines and drops NaDa's natural, killing SCVs and marines
Two dropships full of marines heading toward MarineKing's side of the map for NaDa
The dropships go all the way up to MarineKing's main and attacks the mineral line
MarineKing turns around to deal with the drop, NaDa's army follows into the center of the map
MarineKing suddenly turns on NaDa's army, stims, and moves in and kills the siege tanks before they can siege
MarineKing pushes all the way into NaDa's main
Both players took huge losses. MarineKing lost his main's command center and a lot of SCVs while NaDa's tank count is reset.
MarineKing loads a huge number of medivacs and heads into NaDa's main
NaDa counters to MarineKing's natural with a marine/tank army
NaDa's large infantry force plows through MarineKing's main. MarineKing destroys NaDa's main command center.
MarineKing floats his buildings to the corner and tries to rebuild production facilities at his third
NaDa's last command center is shot down, he gets revealed
MarineKing tries to build a starport but NaDa's army finds it
MarineKing still has one command center floating around the edge of the map while he kills NaDa's supply depot
MarineKing probably can't win but he may be able to force a draw since NaDa has no air units
MarineKing flying his marines around in medivacs and picking off NaDa's SCVs
NaDa forces a brief battle with MarineKing's units and inflicts heavy losses
NaDa lands his starport in hopes of making a viking but he doesn't have the supply to make it
Maybe if NaDa kills his own units and makes a viking...but then MarineKing still has enough left to kill him
Artosis claims MarineKing can't win but technically he could. He has plenty of minerals and an orbital command. He needs to build an SCV or two somehow.
MarineKing's dropships find the starport and shoot it into the yellow...but not quite into the red
NaDa moves troops into position to defend the starport and starts killing his own units
MarineKing flies away...he's landed his orbital command on the other side of the map and is mining with mules
MarineKing kills most of his own units, destroys NaDa's last supply depot, then builds an SCV
NaDa's army narrowly misses seeing MarineKing's orbital. MarineKing builds supply depots in a part of the map
MarineKing lands his barracks and starts making marines. NaDa moves to attack with his army.
NaDa's army forces MarineKing to lift his barracks again, shooting down one of them
MarineKing builds bunkers around his orbital command.
NaDa's army moves in to MarineKing's little base. He kills a bunker but his marines are almost dead. He goes instead and starts killing supply depots.
MarineKing pursues with his marines and wipes out NaDa's marines.
NaDa concedes
Totally insane game. Very interesting to see both players trying to adapt to an almost completely novel situation. You'd think NaDa's experience would come in handy, but MarineKing was the one who came up with a solution. I'm especially impressed with MarineKing's turn back on NaDa's army in the middle of the map, since without that bold move he surely would have gotten contained and lost.
Game 2 - Lost Temple
Close ground positions, MarineKing at 9 and NaDa at 12
MarineKing builds a second barracks on the edge of his base. The second barracks then floats to the low ground to avoid getting scouted.
Reaper for NaDa. MarineKing sends a ton of SCVs with his marine rush.
SCVs kill the reaper. That done there's nothing much to stop the marines.
MarineKing's marines cut through the SCVs, killing them all.
NaDa concedes
The opposite of game 1, I suppose. MarineKing has such a reputation for fast expand builds that it's tough to deal with a sudden marine rush.
Game 3 - Xel'Naga Caverns
Both players get quick command centers. NaDa's is actually slightly ahead and built at the expansion as well.
Second barracks and stim for MarineKing...then he cancels it and gets shields instead
Factory for NaDa, then later a factory for MarineKing as well
Starport for NaDa, stim now for MarineKing
Banshee and cloak for NaDa, starport for MarineKing
Three bunkers at NaDa's expansion, siege mode researching
Engineering bay for MarineKing as the first banshee arrives at his natural
MarineKing scans and kills the banshee after only 4 SCV kills
MarineKing's first group of marines is just outside NaDa's natural but waiting for reinforcements
The second banshee arrives at MarineKing's natural and forces him to pull back marines to deal with it
The banshee remains coy so MarineKing moves out again with his large marine army
Stim coming for NaDa, MarineKing mkaing two more barracks
MarineKing loads his dropships and drops the back of Nada's main, bypassing the bunkers
The marines shoot down NaDa's starport and engineering bay, then withdraw in their dropships
NaDa's second banshee pokes back into the main and is killed. MarineKing takes out the rocks at his gold.
NaDa has eight siege tanks and plenty of marines. MarineKing bypasses it and goes around to NaDa's expansion
MarineKing attacks NaDa's expansion but there are multiple bunkers and siege tanks there
Meanwhile NaDa moves into MarineKing's main and ravages the main
MarineKing shoots down NaDa's last command center and has built one at his natural fourth.
Once again NaDa has a superior army but MarineKing has the orbital command
NaDa builds a command center at MarineKing's old natural.
MarineKing builds starpots for banshees. Meanwhile NaDa shoots down the command center at his fourth
MarineKing has hidden supply depots all over the bottom of the map. Meanwhile he adds tech labs to his starports.
NaDa pushes toward MarineKing's last command center but MarineKing goes in with his marines and kills them
NaDa's floating barracks finds the starports. The first banshee is out, but no cloak yet.
The banshee immediately gets killed by NaDa's marines. MarineKing seems to abandon banshees and takes NaDa's gold instead.
While NaDa attacks the starports, MarineKing attacks his production facilities
NaDa pursues MarineKing's units but MarineKing turns and wipes out some of his forces
NaDa's tanks force MarineKing's orbital to lift, but meanwhile MarineKing takes down NaDa's barracks
MarineKing makes a viking and starts shooting the builds NaDa has floating in the upper left corner of the map
Meanwhile the two ground armies engage and MarineKing defeats NaDa's army
NaDa surrenders
Brilliant play by MarineKing. Once again he seemed like he was at a disadvantage when the elimination race began but he turned it around with clever maneuvering and superior small unit group micro.
Commentary: As I thought, MarineKing's micro was superior to NaDa's. Somehow MarineKing managed to find situations where he could turn this to his advantage. Instead of engaging NaDa's armies in games 1 and 3, he traded bases and then outfought NaDa with what was left over. And game 2 of course was a micro-intensive marine/SCV all-in. It's possible, as I think Tasteless suggested, that MarineKing's style means he plays these sort of matches much more frequently. That would explain why he seemed so much more effective than NaDa, but again I think a big part of it is the simple fact that MarineKing can find ways to win battles he shouldn't. NaDa moved his units around and attacked things, but MarineKing made dynamic moves with his stimmed marines to eke out advantages wherever he could.
ReplyDeleteJinro, in the interview, said he accidentally cancelled the Marine. That actually ended up winning him the 4th set. He's gotten some lucky breaks a few of these times. But he's definitely looking at top form.
Though, I don't think Idra was wrong to leave that Metalopolis game. He was blocked from getting his Hatchery. He new he was in close positions & Jinro was going 2rax. From where Idra sat, he was dead. Jinro wasn't planning to press the advantage, but Idra had to pray Jinro made an insane mistake.
So, maybe a little early (could have waited 30s to see if he could break the contain), he was pretty much dead and wasn't a bad decision.
For the Shakuras game, we saw Maru use something like that push in to kill Ret during the Code A "sorting" matches. I'm not sure there is a way to break that time of push up the back. Not sure what you can do to counter that. Burrow banelings in the hallway early?
I guess after seeing IdrA demolish a (much less talented than Jinro) Protoss player who pylon walled him in...what, GSL 2 I think?...I just assumed he knows how to deal with this stuff. Also we really don't see bunker wall-ins much, so I wonder how strong it really is. I suppose IdrA expected to win on Shakuras, and Zergs don't seem to have the ledge problems on Lost Temple that they used to.
ReplyDeleteOn Shakuras: yeah, that's a Steppes-like distance isn't it? Perhaps taking down the rocks on his side early was a mistake. IdrA (and any Zerg) obviously needed as much time as possible to make units and try to hold. It'd be interesting to see how IMNesTea handles it.
I think the Metalopolis quick tap out was due to Idra's lack of information. In preparing for Metal, you can't assume you're going to get close positions (unless you're idra, then he probably just needs to, lol). So his build already changed once he saw Close-position + 2rax. I think Idra could have broken the contain (the 1 bunker was at like 10% health with only 1 SCV repairing). But Idra had no idea what was going to be the follow up, since he can't scout Terran until after Lair.
ReplyDeleteIdra can also get tilted, and he knows it. He discovered the Bunkers with his probe that was going to drop his late hatch. (Gas, Pool into Hatch builds seem to be the high-level zerg order when they run into close-positions) He was pretty much screwed and he knew it. Jinro just had to drop another Rax and go and kill Idra at that point. (I think Jinro was already about to drop his expansion, so Idra was toast and he knew it)
On Shakuras, yes, the rush from "same side" spawns is about Steppes-like. I'm pretty sure Idra's plan was to pressure the front with Mutas and then destroy him through the back rocks. Jinro just beat him by about 60s from that tactic. And, well, when Zerg & Terran go for the same thing, Terran is going to win. Especially in that close passage.
I think they were good games, really. Idra going for the 6 pool really was a good thing. It'll keep a lot more people honest when playing him. And it was 1 lucky break from working. But Idra can't seem to buy any luck in his positions, hehe.