Friday, January 14, 2011

January 2011 Code S Round of 16: Group B

There's always a lot of discussion about which group is the toughest, but for the Code S round of 16 there's no question about which group is the easiest. "The Group of Life" as they say at the World Cup is clearly Group B, the group with IMmvp and some other guys:

Player Code S RankPreviously in GSL42010 Results
choyafOuPT-#16L TSLRain
W TSLTrickster
W ZeNEXKyrix
DNQ, ro64, ro8
oGsHyperdubTT-#23L SlayerSBoxeRr
W HongUnPrimeWE
W HongUnPrimeWE
ro16, ro64, ro32
IMmvpT#27W TSLFruitDealer
W oGsjookTo
W oGsZenio
DNQ, ro32, ro16
TheBestfOuT#29W MakaPrimeWE
L PoltPrimeWE
W PoltPrimeWE
DNQ, ro64, ro16

According to the rankings, choyafOu is the best player in this group. According to me, he's a gimmicky rusher who is in over his head at this point, even in this group. Perhaps he'll prove me wrong today, but to be honest he could easily advance by beating the two non-IMmvp players. If he goes up against mvp, well, he did beat him in the GSL 3 round of 16, but I'll believe he can do it again when I see it.

oGsHyperdub looked very promising back in GSL 1 when he famously beat LiquidTLO after losing an epic game 1. Since then he's been less impressive, but he beat HongUnPrimeWE twice in the round of 32 to get here so you have to give him the best shot at getting second place in the group behind IMmvp.

Unlike Hyperdub, IMmvp has been steadily improving in each tournament. In the round of 32, he dominated a group that frankly was much more talented than this one, going 3-0 and defeating players like TSLFruitDealer and oGsZenio. Of course, he had a slight advantage in that he was a Terran in a group with 3 Zergs and could focus on that one matchup, but the wins were too convincing and the players too solid to deny that he's put himself in the conversation of possible champions. Anything can happen in these weird pseudo-round robins, but he's the clear favorite to win the group.

TheBestfOu is another middle of the road player that finds himself farther in the tournament than most people expected. I certainly didn't expect him to beat MakaPrimeWE and PoltPrimeWE, but he did, so perhaps he has more surprises in store for the round of 16.

Group B VOD

IMmvp (T) vs. TheBestfOu (T) on Scrap Station
Match Rating: 5/10
Click for match play by play

choyafOu (P) vs. oGsHyperdub (T) on Shakuras Plateau
Match Rating: 7/10
Click for match play by play

Match 1 winner vs Match 2 loser
Match Rating: 7/10
Click for match play by play

Match 2 winner vs Match 1 loser
Match Rating: 2/10
Click for match play by play

Deciding Game(s)
Match Rating: 4/10
Click for match play by play

Group B Results and Commentary
Click for results, standings, and commentary

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