The second group sees Code A quaterfinalist BanBansZenith facing off against two Code S oGs players. InCa has been famous for his PvP ever since he won three PvP matches in a row back in GSL 1, so this is likely to be a tough one for BanBans. Of course, that was several months ago and the way the matchup is played has changed a great deal since then. Still, BanBans probably is focused on trying to beat oGsjookTo, a Zerg who while consistent is not very strong by Code S standards.
BanBansZenith (Code A Challenger)
Code A T-#15
2010 Results: DNQ, ro64, ro64
GSL 4 Results:
W ZeNEXcOre (2-0)
W IMJunwi (2-0)
L oGsTOP (2-0) |
oGsInCa (Code S 3rd Place)
Code S #13
2010 Results: ro8, ro16, DNQ
GSL 4 Results:
W sanZenith
L oGsNaDa
L oGsNaDa | | oGsjookTo (Code S 4th Place)
Code S #32
2010 Results: ro32, ro64, ro64
GSL 4 Results:
L oGsZenio
L IMmvp
L TSLFruitDealer |
BanBansZenith (P) vs. oGsInCa (P)
Match Rating: 7/10
VOD Link
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Game 1 - Shakuras Plateau
Four warp gates for both players
InCa puts a pylon in the bottom of BanBans base
BanBans warps in stalkers to InCa's natural just as InCa's warp gates are ready
BanBans has an initial advantage but InCa's micro slowly turns the tide
InCa warps three zealots into BanBans main and sends them to the mineral line
With his probes dropping fast, BanBans makes one more attempt with his units in InCa's main, but InCa's micro is too good
BanBans concedes
When both players do the same rush opening, the difference has to come from micro. Unfortunately for BanBans...though not surprisingly...InCa's micro was quite a bit better.
Game 2 - Steppes of War
Four warpgates for both players
BanBans sends a zealot after InCa's scouting probe
InCa gets an early advantage by sniping the zealot and damaging a stalker that tries to save it
The warp gates become available and InCa immediately attacks up BanBans' ramp
There is a bit of back and forth but InCa almost immediately has superior numbers
InCa's control is too good. BanBans doesn't have any answer for this sort of micro.
BanBans surrenders
Once again BanBans just isn't as precise as InCa and in PvP that's a fatal weakness.
Commentary: Not too much to say about this match. InCa's PvP is still really good. BanBans isn't quite up to his standard. Not unexpected. It felt like they could play fifty more games without BanBans winning.
Match 1 Loser vs. oGsjookTo (Z)
Match Rating: 5/10
VOD Link
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Game 1 - Jungle Basin
Pool first for jookTo, nexus first for BanBans
jookTo takes his natural, BanBans gets a forge, then a gateway and cannon to wall off
Zergling speed for jookTo, BanBans puts a cannon at the rocks behind his natural
BanBans gets out a stalker, his first attacking unit, and finally kills the scouting drone
jookTo getting lair and a macro hatchery, BanBans adds six gateways and a twilight council
jookTo sends an overlord to scout but stalkers kill it before it sees anything
Spire for jookTo, blink for BanBans
jookTo takes a third at the outside natural
BanBans sends a large stalker force up the map toward jookTo's third
jookTo attacks with zerglings and mutalisks just before the hatchery falls
BanBans uses blink to pull back injured stalkers until the zerglings are gone, then the rest blink under the mutalisks
Having routed jookTo's army, the stalkers finish killing the third hatchery
Having been reinforced with more healthy stalkers, BanBans' army continues into jookTo's natural
jookTo concedes
Well, this is definitely a tough map for Zerg. BanBans took advantage of it perfectly, however.
Game 2 - Blistering Sands
Gas then pool for jookTo, nexus first for BanBans
Zergling speed for jookTo, forge and gateway at the natural chokepoint for BanBans
jookTo takes his natural, BanBans puts cannons at both his natural and the back rocks
jookTo cancels his expansion hatch and gets a roach warren instead
BanBans adds more cannons...three total at the natural, two at the rocks
jookTo sends roaches to the rocks and starts taking them down
BanBans adds about six more cannons.
When the rocks go down, the roaches and some zerglings go up, but probes block them while the cannons finish
The roaches shoot through the probes and initial cannons, but the other cannons and a few stalkers force the few surviving roaches to retreat
jookTo gets a baneling nest and switches to zergling/baneling
BanBans has a couple of immortals out. Even after losing those probes, BanBans has a huge economic advantage over jookTo's one base
jookTo attacks the rocks area again, but this time there's stalkers and immortals there defending it
Banelings manage to carve a hole but only four zerglings and three roaches survive the gauntlet and make it into the base
BanBans cleans them up easily
jookTo surrenders
jookTo seemed to have the right idea, but his execution was too slow. He should have put pressure on the natural and forced BanBans to add cannons there as well.
Commentary: After getting dominated by oGsInCa, BanBans turned around and demolished jookTo without too much difficulty. I've always figured jookTo is a little underrated since he did manage to qualify for all three GSLs, but he's never really had the results against good players to justify his Code S position. It'll be interesting to see how he does in Code A against the sort of players he beat in the qualifiers back in 2010. BanBans is probably going to have a rough time in Code S himself, but he'll be happy to have a shot, however long.
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