In Group C, FOXMoon takes on two Code S Protoss players from Prime, HongUnPrimeWE and anyproPrimeWE. Moon, of course, is one of the most famous Warcraft 3 players of all time, but so far he's a very mediocre Starcraft 2 Zerg. HongUn had some great results in 2010, but so far this year he's struggled to find his form. Artosis has been talking up anypro, apparently because of what some people said in interviews, but he's never shown anything much in his televised games and was a player I thought had a good chance of being relegated out of Code A. Will FOXMoon take advantage?
FOXMoon (Code A Challenger)
Code A T-#21
2010 Results: DNQ, DNQ, ro32
GSL 4 Results:
W BitByBitPrimeWE (2-1)
W STAugust (2-0)
L FOXLyn (0-2) |
HongUnPrimeWE (Code S 3rd Place)
Code S #7
2010 Results: ro8, ro64, ro4
GSL 4 Results:
W oGsTheWinD
L oGsHyperdub
L oGsHyperdub | | anyproPrimeWE (Code S 4th Place)
Code S T-#29
2010 Results: ro16, DNQ, ro64
GSL 4 Results:
L NsPGenius
L LeenockfOu |
FOXMoon (Z) vs. HongUnPrimeWE (P)
Match Rating: 6/10
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Game 1 - Shakuras Plateau
Upper positions, Moon at 2 and HongUn at 10
Pool and then gas for Moon, nexus first for HongUn at 15 supply
Forge now for HongUn, zergling speed for Moon
HongUn puts a pylon at Moon's natural but zerglings clean it up pretty quickly. He gets the hatch at his natural at 23 supply
Moon takes a third, then starts a lair
HongUn adds three more gates and a twilight council, Moon gets a roach warren and evolution chamber
Hydralisk den for Moon, blink and two more gateways for HongUn
HongUn moves into the center of the map with 17 stalkers, sniping overlords
Moon attacks with zergling/roach, catching the stalkers off guard. When HongUn tries to blink away, half of them get cut off
The roaches easily kill the stranded stalkers. Moon getting burrow and still making mass roach.
HongUn moves his stalkers across the top of the map. Moon starts some spine crawlers but they aren't ready yet.
The stalkers enter Moon's main but the roaches drive them back.
HongUn has a nexus warping in at the top center. Moon getting a fourth and a fifth hatch.
Spire coming for Moon, infestors already out. Colossus and thermal lance coming for HongUn
After a lot of back and forth, HongUn moves into Moon's main with several colossus and a ton of stalkers
Moon's hydra/roach army fights but there aren't enough corruptors to deal with the colossus
Eventually Moon manages to neural parasite all the colossus for a while, but there's enough stalkers he still gets run over
HongUn's victorious army destroys the various tech buildings in Moon's main
Moon concedes
This seems to be a theme lately for Zerg players on Shakuras Plateau: get an advantage, but then lose the game instantly because the enemy focuses their whole attack on the Zerg main and takes out the tech structures.
Game 2 - Scrap Station
Pylon and gateway on the low ground for HongUn, pool first for Moon
HongUn's probe doesn't quite manage to block Moon's natural hatch in time.
Moon then gets zergling speed. HongUn gets a stargate in his main
Twilight council and a void ray for HongUn as well. Roach warren for Moon.
Lair and an evolution chamber for Moon, blink coming for HongUn while the void ray starts harassing overlords
HongUn attacks with 9 stalkers and the void ray. Moon has four queens and a bunch of roaches to defend.
There's a long, tense set of skirmishing above Moon's natural
Eventually HongUn seems to loose patience and lets the void ray get caught by Moon's queens.
Meanwhile the roaches rout the stalkers, forcing the few survivors to flee back to HongUn's main
HongUn has a nexus finishing at his expansion, a forge, and a robotics coming
Hydralisk den, spire, third base, and burrow all coming for Moon while he sends roaches to HongUn's natural
After poking the chokepoint, the roaches remove the rocks leading to the natural
Now the roaches bounce back to the front and destroy the cybernetics core
Robotics bay for HongUn, who has added a few immortals to his army. Moon going hydra/roach
Moon takes a fourth base and starts getting corruptors. HongUn still getting immortals.
Infestation pit for Moon (originally two, in fact, but he noticed and canceled one).
HongUn tries to move across the bottom of the map with his army but Moon has built lots of spine crawlers throughout the area
Moon steadily gives ground but he easily replaces all his losses. HongUn's army dwindles and finally is gone.
HongUn concedes
Moon countered HongUn's void ray / blink stalker pressure without breaking a sweat. After that HongUn couldn't find a way back into the game.
Game 3 - Blistering Sands
Moon goes pool then gas, HongUn puts his pylon and gateway on the low ground at the natural chokepoint
Zergling speed for Moon, who then takes his natural with only the slightest delay from the probe
Twilight council and then dark shrine for HongUn. Evolution chamber for Moon.
Moon tries to scout HongUn's base with an overlord and doesn't see anything
He gets a spore crawler at his natural plus a few spine crawlers.
The first DT arrives while the main group of zerglings aren't around. It walks past the spore crawler and into the main
Moon tries to build another spore crawler in his main but the DT kills it
Now there's nothing Moon can do to save his main. More DTs arrive with some zealots and destroy everything.
Moon takes the gold base instead.
HongUn tries to attack the natural and it gets crushed by zerglings
A DT tries to kill a relocating spore crawler, but a queen transfuses it and then zerglings kill it
Zerglings and overseers move around the map killing DTs
In the center of the map, stalkers blink around zerglings and kill them
Meanwhile a DT starts killing drones at the gold base, forcing Moon to pull the rest
HongUn's stalkers move into the main and fight a long battle with Moon's forces
Eventually Moon's roach army is ground under by more and more stalkers
Moon surrenders
Strange game. Moon paid the price for his late lair despite trying to hedge his bets with the spore crawler.
Commentary: Something a sloppy series of matches. Moon played well in stretches but made fatal mistakes in games 1 and 3. HongUn made his share of missteps as well and is fortunate to be let off the hook.
Match 1 Loser vs. anyproPrimeWE (P)
Match Rating: 3/10
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Game 1 - Steppes of War
Pool then gas for Moon, standard opening for anypro
Zergling speed for Moon, who then takes his natural with no interference
anypro going four warp gates off one gas
Moon gets three spine crawlers at his natural
anypro moves out with a four stalkers and seven zealots. Moon's spotter zerglings see it
anypro pushes in and attacks but Moon's three queens, three spine crawlers, and loose units hold without losing anything
Moon rotates one spine crawler that is almost dead to the back of the position
For reasons known only to himself, Moon decides to reposition all his spine crawlers. anypro attacks and crushes him.
Moon concedes
Bizarre decision by Moon, who looked to have the better of the battle until he took all his static defenses out of the picture at once.
Game 2 - Metalopolis
Cross positions, Moon at 12 and anypro at 6
Moon goes gas then pool, anypro puts a pylon on the low ground and scouts, then goes nexus before forge.
Zergling speed and then baneling nest for Moon
anypro puts a third cannon at his natural while Moon makes banelings nearby
The banelings move in but anypro has a few sentries out, so force fields protect anypro easily
anypro gets two stargates. Moon getting a roach warren and a lair.
Void ray and phoenix for anypro, hydralisk den and burrow for Moon
Robotics for anypro, who sends two void rays to force Moon's nascent third base to cancel
anypro moves into Moon's natural with about eight void rays plus some sentries and zealots
Moon has some hydralisks and roaches but not nearly enough to stop so many void rays
Moon surrenders
Ugly game. Moon seemed to panic after anypro went nexus first. He couldn't have planned that slow, tame baneling bust...right?
Commentary: Moon still looks very much like a Code A player to me. Both of his games against anypro were excruciating. anypro didn't display any particular skill, he just played standard Protoss and let Moon make mistakes.
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