Friday, January 28, 2011

2011 GSL January Up And Down Matches: Group G

In Group G the second place player in the Code A tournament, ZeNEXByun, goes against the two players he selected: LeenockfOu and ZeNEXLiveForever. Byun looked very impressive at times during his run through the Code A tournament, but he had trouble with early rushes and harassment. LeenockfOu has played some really good ZvT games in the past, most notably his epic ZvT against TSLClide in GSL 3. ZeNEXLiveForever, meanwhile, was a surprising semifinalist in GSL 1. Even in that much weaker tournament he was thought to have gotten farther than perhaps his skill strictly would lead you to expect. Since then LiveForever has been pretty much out of the picture, focusing on academics instead of practicing. Unfortunately, even he's completely recovered his former skills, everyone else has been getting better all this time. If LiveForever beats either of these players and stays in Code S it would be one of the biggest upsets in GSL history.

ZeNEXByun (Code A Challenger)
Code A T-#9
2010 Results: ro32, ro64, DNQ

GSL 4 Results:
W SlayerSGolden (2-0)
W TSLKiller (2-0)
W STJuly (2-0)
W FOXLyn (2-1)
L oGsTOP (3-4)

LeenockfOu (Code S 3rd Place)
Code S #22
2010 Results: DNQ, ro16, ro16

GSL 4 Results:
L NsPGenius
W anyproPrimeWE
 ZeNEXLiveForever (Code S 4th Place)
Code S T-#11
2010 Results: ro4, DNQ, DNQ

GSL 4 Results:
L SlayerSLegalMinD
L TSLClide

LeenockfOu (Z) vs. ZeNEXByun (T)
Match Rating: 9/10
VOD Link
Click for match play by play and commentary

Match 1 Loser vs. ZeNEXLiveForever (T)
Match Rating: 1/10
VOD Link
Click for match play by play and commentary

1 comment:

  1. Spoilers!

    Leenock got completely screwed by maps & spawn locations again Byun. They're pretty obviously around the same skill level, but he had to play ZvT on DQ, same-side Shakuras (something very Terran favored right now) and close LT. Doesn't get worse. And he still nearly pulled it off. His build on DQ was a thing of brilliance. He just screwed up and sent his Lings + Mutas to deal with his 11 o'clock expansion that was dropped. He should have just sent the lings. That cost him the game. While slightly down in Supply, he was in the dominate position in that game until that drop. Drop happened and he lost his Infestors & 4 Broodlords. That was it.

    Leenock has some awesome builds and a good really knowledge of what to do. He just isn't quite good enough at defending far-bases. If he's going infestors, he's gotta throw up some static Defense.

    Then, Match 2. God. We were going nuts in the Team Liquid live thread. Leenock just wouldn't make a baneling nest. If you go back and look, in games 2 & 3, the Banelings nest was 5 minutes late both times. If he's just played straight up, standard Zerg defense on those maps or at least built some units, he'd have won. He almost held on Blistering as it was. And it was a really bad way to play against a bad player. You don't want to let them dictate. Make some damn roaches, get speed and pressure. He'll crack.

    Was so frustrating. But Leenock is all of 16, he'll be back in Code S soon enough. Still, so frustrating.
