Friday, January 28, 2011

2011 GSL January Up And Down Matches: Group H

Group H is the last group of the Up and Down Matches and fittingly it has been saved for oGsTOP, winner of the Code A tournament. Able to pick from the field of players in danger of relegation, TOP selected SlayerSLegalMinD and sanZenith as his opponents. LegalMinD is definitely not one of the better Code S players (despite having one of the cooler nicknames), but sanZenith is in a class by himself. san has yet to live down his GSL 2 game against MakaPrimeWE, widely considered the absolute worst performance in any 2010 GSL game. If TOP wins as expected against LegalMinD, that sets up an interesting PvP. sanZenith has the worse reputation but it's not clear he's actually that much worse than LegalMinD.

oGsTOP (Code A Challenger)
Code A T-#2
2010 Results: ro16, DNQ, DNQ

GSL 4 Results:
W STAce (2-1)
W TSLAlive (2-0)
W BanBansZenith (2-0)
W sCfOu (2-1)
W ZeNEXByun (4-3)

SlayerSLegalMinD (Code S 3rd Place)
Code S T-#29
2010 Results: ro16, ro64, DNQ

GSL 4 Results:
W ZeNEXLiveForever
L MarineKingPrimeWE
L MarineKingPrimeWE
 sanZenith (Code S 4th Place)
Code S T-#27
2010 Results: ro16, ro32, DNQ

GSL 4 Results:
L oGsInCa

oGsTOP (T) vs. SlayerSLegalMinD (P)
Match Rating: 4/10
VOD Link
Click for match play by play and commentary

Match 1 Loser vs. sanZenith (T)
Match Rating: 6/10
VOD Link
Click for match play by play and commentary

1 comment:

  1. Spoilers!

    TOP was kind of a given. But he played really well. Nice to see his form is back after not making GSL 2 or 3, for some reason.

    As for sanZenith & Legalmind, I was really pulling for san there. He needed to win at least 1 series to recover his pride. You can't go out like he did, especially after Code S. He really needed this win. He'll be murdered in Code S again (though he might make it to 7 minutes in the games!), along with LiveForever. But he gets to enjoy it and get paid, again.

    So, good job sanZenith! I hope Idra & Jinro get you and LiveForever for free wins!
