Match Rating: 7/10
Click for play by play and match commentary
Game 1 - Shakuras Plateau
Jys gets gas and a factory, NesTea gets hatch after pool
Two starport banshees from Jys
Jys pokes with hellion, picks off a couple zerglings
NesTea gets extra queens
Two banshees moving in, more on the way
Doesn't do very much damage but doesn't lose any either
Four banshees out now
NesTea gets spores and spire
Jys builds two cmomand centers, armory, and a viking to harass overlords
NesTea takes his third, uses his four queens to spread lots of creep
Planetary at Jys' third with upgraded turrets supporting
NesTea takes a fourth base, now up four to three bases
Mutalisks probe but thors and turrets drive them off
Retreating mutalisks spot the expansion
NesTea switches to roaches and gets hive
Roaches attack the planetary, held off easily
Coutnerattacks with siege tank, marines, and banshees to NesTea's fourth
Roaches break into the natural, but are held off by mass Thor and banshees
NesTea gets greater spire
Skirmishes in the middle of the map between roach/infestor and thor/tank
Banshees destroy NesTea's fourth
NesTea triple expands
Surrounds and kills thors in the middle of the map
Jys takes out one of the expansions with a few marauders
They continue to the next one, no defense
Broodlords morphing
Terran gets a fourth base
Vikings pick off a brood lord in the center of the map but infestors fungal them
Large fight in the center of the map, brood lords go down
10 ultras plus zerglings being made to replace them
Jys stops making vikings...
Makes some command centers, seems like an attempt to defend with planetary fortresses
But the ultralisks crush his army and get to the production buildings, gg
Very good game, Jys played well but NesTea was too agile in his unit compositions
Game 2 - Delta Quadrant
Bottom corners, NesTea at 7 and Jys at 5
NesTea gets pool first, Jys gets two barracks
Expansion on 20 for NesTea
Terran expands to his back door expo at 30
Moves out with 12 marines, no SCVs
The attack is repelled but many zerglings are required
Jys gets blue flame for his hellions, NesTea gets a roach warren
5 blue falme hellions get into the main, kill numerous drones, marines follow to the natural
Marines repelled easily by roaches and banelings, but tons of drones die
Jys gets a dropship and tanks, more barracks
Tank drop to the high ground beside the natural
Burrowed roaches attack Jys' front, there's no wall off
Jys has a banshee to help defend but burrow healing helps the roaches do a lot of damage
Jys sends his two banshees to NesTea's base...he has cloak, and kills many drones
The queens and overseer pursue the the banshees but the dropship arrives with marines and marauders
The infantry snipes the queens and more drones
Finally it's cleaned up by a few mutalisks and roaches
40 SCVs to 18 drones
Three mutalisks harass but NesTea lost the spire in the attack and can't rebuild them
Jys gets a thor and moves out with large marine army
Roaches manage to hold off the attack, though several overlords are lost
Burrowed roaches sneak past the next wave but Jys calls his bluff and doesn't turn around
Two thors and marines cut through NesTea's defenses at his natural, dropship present to pick up thors
NesTea has to concede
Very impressive game from Jys, clearly he put a lot of thought into his unit transitions. I don't think I've ever seen the dropship with infantry follow-up to banshee harass before.
Game 3 - X'el Naga caverns
Jys gets two barracks again, NesTea goes hatch first
Three marines coming to pressure, bunker being built at the expansion
Drones and zerglings force the bunker to cancel
Jys pulls back to his base while NesTea pumps out zerglings
Skirmish in the middle of the map as about eight marines push down to NesTea's base
The marines and an SCV slip up the ramp, the SCV walls off with a partial supply depot and bunker
Drones and zerglings clean up the army
Large group of zerglings counter to the Terran's base...and beat the SCV that was about to wall off by a split second
From there waves of zerglings pour into the Terran main, killing SCVs and marines despite desperate efforts to defend
Commentary: Jys played very well, and NesTea is probably relieved that he was essentially let off easy by Jys' mistake in the third game. Jys seemed to have solid if not exceptional micro and macro, but his build orders and transitions were excellent. That's particularly surprising given Jys, although part of the SlayerS clan, is not on a real team--though he used to be on WeRRa before the team imploded, so perhaps it isn't so unbelievable. In GSL 2 NesTea didn't lose a game until the finals so this seems like a step down, but it's the overall match result that matters, not the score.
Jys gets gas and a factory, NesTea gets hatch after pool
Two starport banshees from Jys
Jys pokes with hellion, picks off a couple zerglings
NesTea gets extra queens
Two banshees moving in, more on the way
Doesn't do very much damage but doesn't lose any either
Four banshees out now
NesTea gets spores and spire
Jys builds two cmomand centers, armory, and a viking to harass overlords
NesTea takes his third, uses his four queens to spread lots of creep
Planetary at Jys' third with upgraded turrets supporting
NesTea takes a fourth base, now up four to three bases
Mutalisks probe but thors and turrets drive them off
Retreating mutalisks spot the expansion
NesTea switches to roaches and gets hive
Roaches attack the planetary, held off easily
Coutnerattacks with siege tank, marines, and banshees to NesTea's fourth
Roaches break into the natural, but are held off by mass Thor and banshees
NesTea gets greater spire
Skirmishes in the middle of the map between roach/infestor and thor/tank
Banshees destroy NesTea's fourth
NesTea triple expands
Surrounds and kills thors in the middle of the map
Jys takes out one of the expansions with a few marauders
They continue to the next one, no defense
Broodlords morphing
Terran gets a fourth base
Vikings pick off a brood lord in the center of the map but infestors fungal them
Large fight in the center of the map, brood lords go down
10 ultras plus zerglings being made to replace them
Jys stops making vikings...
Makes some command centers, seems like an attempt to defend with planetary fortresses
But the ultralisks crush his army and get to the production buildings, gg
Very good game, Jys played well but NesTea was too agile in his unit compositions
Game 2 - Delta Quadrant
Bottom corners, NesTea at 7 and Jys at 5
NesTea gets pool first, Jys gets two barracks
Expansion on 20 for NesTea
Terran expands to his back door expo at 30
Moves out with 12 marines, no SCVs
The attack is repelled but many zerglings are required
Jys gets blue flame for his hellions, NesTea gets a roach warren
5 blue falme hellions get into the main, kill numerous drones, marines follow to the natural
Marines repelled easily by roaches and banelings, but tons of drones die
Jys gets a dropship and tanks, more barracks
Tank drop to the high ground beside the natural
Burrowed roaches attack Jys' front, there's no wall off
Jys has a banshee to help defend but burrow healing helps the roaches do a lot of damage
Jys sends his two banshees to NesTea's base...he has cloak, and kills many drones
The queens and overseer pursue the the banshees but the dropship arrives with marines and marauders
The infantry snipes the queens and more drones
Finally it's cleaned up by a few mutalisks and roaches
40 SCVs to 18 drones
Three mutalisks harass but NesTea lost the spire in the attack and can't rebuild them
Jys gets a thor and moves out with large marine army
Roaches manage to hold off the attack, though several overlords are lost
Burrowed roaches sneak past the next wave but Jys calls his bluff and doesn't turn around
Two thors and marines cut through NesTea's defenses at his natural, dropship present to pick up thors
NesTea has to concede
Very impressive game from Jys, clearly he put a lot of thought into his unit transitions. I don't think I've ever seen the dropship with infantry follow-up to banshee harass before.
Game 3 - X'el Naga caverns
Jys gets two barracks again, NesTea goes hatch first
Three marines coming to pressure, bunker being built at the expansion
Drones and zerglings force the bunker to cancel
Jys pulls back to his base while NesTea pumps out zerglings
Skirmish in the middle of the map as about eight marines push down to NesTea's base
The marines and an SCV slip up the ramp, the SCV walls off with a partial supply depot and bunker
Drones and zerglings clean up the army
Large group of zerglings counter to the Terran's base...and beat the SCV that was about to wall off by a split second
From there waves of zerglings pour into the Terran main, killing SCVs and marines despite desperate efforts to defend
Commentary: Jys played very well, and NesTea is probably relieved that he was essentially let off easy by Jys' mistake in the third game. Jys seemed to have solid if not exceptional micro and macro, but his build orders and transitions were excellent. That's particularly surprising given Jys, although part of the SlayerS clan, is not on a real team--though he used to be on WeRRa before the team imploded, so perhaps it isn't so unbelievable. In GSL 2 NesTea didn't lose a game until the finals so this seems like a step down, but it's the overall match result that matters, not the score.
oGsVines (P) vs fnaticSen (Z)
Match Rating: 6/10
Click for play by play and match commentary
Game 1 - Steppes of War
Sen gets a hatch first on 16
Vines get a forge, drone patrols the bottom of the ramp
Pylon build on the low ground underneath the expansion
One zealot and six probes come to pressure, another two cannons goes down on the high ground
The cannons finish in range of the hatchery, Sen ignores it and counters to Vines' base
Vines walls off completely with a pylon, then traps the zerglings on the ramp with his zealots
More zerglings go to the ramp and surprisingly kill the zealots guarding the top
Vines adds a cannon and brings probes to defend as well, repels
Sen gives up
Game 2 Delta Quadrant
Cross positions, Vines at the top right and Sen at the bottom left
Sen gets a pool on 15 this time
Expands soon after despite Vines' attempting to block with a probe
Vines gets a stargate, just one right now
Stalker pokes the expansion, almost kills an overlord but zerglings get there to repel just in time
Vines chronoboosting phoenixes out, moves out with three
Phoenixes kill both queens, then begin harassing overlords
Vines expands to his back expansion
Phoenixes repelled by spore and new queens, but no more being made
Sen tries to scout with a sacrificed overlord but a phoenix kills it before it sees anything
Sen gets hydra den, phoenixes continue to harass
Vines moves his army out, doesn't notice the changeling watching
Stalker/sentry army attacks the natural, good number of hydras there to defend
Sen slightly ahead in supply despite all the harassment
Vines moves in and engages on creep, force field wall splits the hydra army, but they go around and end up surrounding
Vines' reinforcements come but they are outnumbered by surviving hydras and roaches
Vines surrenders
Vines had good good harassment early, but he failed to capitalize on the advantage, perhaps due to inadequate macro.
Game 3 - Blistering Sands
Sen goes hatch first on 15, scouted immediately by Vines
Vines gets a cybernetics core instead of a forge, so no cannon attack this time
Vines on three gates, lots of sentries
Lings poke at Vines' natural but sentries force them back, they poke the rocks but a sentry is there too
Vines expands to his natural, gets a fifth gateway, still no robotics bay
Vines cancels his expo and pushes out, builds a proxy pylon but it's sniped by zerglings
Roaches defend at the natural, zerglings come in from behind and snipe one of the proxy pylons
Most roaches die as mass stalker push into the natural
Burrow finishes for roaches, he starts using that to heal
Furious micro battle at the natural as drones help
After several minutes of fighting, the stalkers are overwhelmed by roaches, Vines surrenders
Intense micro battle, but Sen's control was good enough he was able to hold until his two bases kicked in.
Commentary: Vines played as if he didn't think he could win in a long game, and from what we saw in game 2 and 3 he was probably right. It's a little surprising that Sen was defeated so easily by a fairly standard cannon strategy in game 1, but perhaps he felt Steppes of War was so difficult for Zerg he focused his practice on the other two maps. Certainly in the next two games he looked like the better player.
Sen gets a hatch first on 16
Vines get a forge, drone patrols the bottom of the ramp
Pylon build on the low ground underneath the expansion
One zealot and six probes come to pressure, another two cannons goes down on the high ground
The cannons finish in range of the hatchery, Sen ignores it and counters to Vines' base
Vines walls off completely with a pylon, then traps the zerglings on the ramp with his zealots
More zerglings go to the ramp and surprisingly kill the zealots guarding the top
Vines adds a cannon and brings probes to defend as well, repels
Sen gives up
Game 2 Delta Quadrant
Cross positions, Vines at the top right and Sen at the bottom left
Sen gets a pool on 15 this time
Expands soon after despite Vines' attempting to block with a probe
Vines gets a stargate, just one right now
Stalker pokes the expansion, almost kills an overlord but zerglings get there to repel just in time
Vines chronoboosting phoenixes out, moves out with three
Phoenixes kill both queens, then begin harassing overlords
Vines expands to his back expansion
Phoenixes repelled by spore and new queens, but no more being made
Sen tries to scout with a sacrificed overlord but a phoenix kills it before it sees anything
Sen gets hydra den, phoenixes continue to harass
Vines moves his army out, doesn't notice the changeling watching
Stalker/sentry army attacks the natural, good number of hydras there to defend
Sen slightly ahead in supply despite all the harassment
Vines moves in and engages on creep, force field wall splits the hydra army, but they go around and end up surrounding
Vines' reinforcements come but they are outnumbered by surviving hydras and roaches
Vines surrenders
Vines had good good harassment early, but he failed to capitalize on the advantage, perhaps due to inadequate macro.
Game 3 - Blistering Sands
Sen goes hatch first on 15, scouted immediately by Vines
Vines gets a cybernetics core instead of a forge, so no cannon attack this time
Vines on three gates, lots of sentries
Lings poke at Vines' natural but sentries force them back, they poke the rocks but a sentry is there too
Vines expands to his natural, gets a fifth gateway, still no robotics bay
Vines cancels his expo and pushes out, builds a proxy pylon but it's sniped by zerglings
Roaches defend at the natural, zerglings come in from behind and snipe one of the proxy pylons
Most roaches die as mass stalker push into the natural
Burrow finishes for roaches, he starts using that to heal
Furious micro battle at the natural as drones help
After several minutes of fighting, the stalkers are overwhelmed by roaches, Vines surrenders
Intense micro battle, but Sen's control was good enough he was able to hold until his two bases kicked in.
Commentary: Vines played as if he didn't think he could win in a long game, and from what we saw in game 2 and 3 he was probably right. It's a little surprising that Sen was defeated so easily by a fairly standard cannon strategy in game 1, but perhaps he felt Steppes of War was so difficult for Zerg he focused his practice on the other two maps. Certainly in the next two games he looked like the better player.
LittleBoy (T) vs. jookToJung (Z)
Match Rating: 6/10
Click for play by play and match commentary
Game 1 - Shakuras Plateau
jookToJung pauses almost immediately
Resolved quickly, Tasteless doesn't even manage to refer to the "vehicle of technology"
Apparently the hotkey settings were wrong
jookToJung goes hatch first, LittleBoy gets a reaper
Builds a bunker behind the minerals at the expansion
Reaper comes into jookToJung's main and kills a couple drones
LittleBoy walls off his expansion with three barracks, expands behind it
LittleBoy going two starport banshee while jookToJung gets a spire and baneling nest
Third starport for LittleBoy...second starport gets a reactor
Banshees begin harassing jookToJung's base, killing many probes, no overseer yet
Mutalisks chase away the banshees, LittleBoy going mass viking
jookToJung tries to harass with mutas, but there are 9 vikings to defend
Banshees do a little more harassment, vikings screen their escape
Large viking fleet moves out with marine and banshee support
jookToJung tries to morph banelings but LittleBoy spots it and takes them out
The vikings sweep away the mutalisks and there's nothing that can hit the banshees
jookToJung concedes
Artosis hadn't seen the strategy before and jookToJung clearly hadn't either. Very interesting build by LittleBoy.
Game 2 - Blistering Sands
Hatch first for jookToJung, techlab opening for LittleBoy
jookToJung steals gas, LittleBoy gets stim very early
The drone stealing gas cancels and spots two more barracks for LittleBoy
He adds another barracks while jookToJung gets a baneling nest
Three reactors for the barracks and marine shield researching, still on one gas, no expansion
Lair finishes for jookToJung, LittleBoy tears down the rocks in the back of his base
He moves out with all his SCVs, baneling speed upgading but too late
Banelings dart in and kill almost every SCV
The marines are the ones who deal damage, though, and they're still alive
The marines stim and slaughter the second wave of slow banelings before they get close
jookToJung has nothing left and has to surrender
Seeing so many SCVs die at once to banelings seemed devastating, but that's what LittleBoy wanted to happen. The marines were what the banelings needed to deal with, and failing to do so cost jookToJung the game.
Commentary: Even though Starcraft 2 strategies are constantly evolving, it's quite rare to see such a fresh strategy in a GSL game. I'm not sure that LittleBoy's viking/banshee "sky Terran" composition was quite as unprecedented as Artosis thought, but certainly for an unorthodox strategy it looked extremely polished. Like Jys, LittleBoy doesn't have a known team affiliation, so it's extra impressive he managed to finetune it more or less on his own.
jookToJung pauses almost immediately
Resolved quickly, Tasteless doesn't even manage to refer to the "vehicle of technology"
Apparently the hotkey settings were wrong
jookToJung goes hatch first, LittleBoy gets a reaper
Builds a bunker behind the minerals at the expansion
Reaper comes into jookToJung's main and kills a couple drones
LittleBoy walls off his expansion with three barracks, expands behind it
LittleBoy going two starport banshee while jookToJung gets a spire and baneling nest
Third starport for LittleBoy...second starport gets a reactor
Banshees begin harassing jookToJung's base, killing many probes, no overseer yet
Mutalisks chase away the banshees, LittleBoy going mass viking
jookToJung tries to harass with mutas, but there are 9 vikings to defend
Banshees do a little more harassment, vikings screen their escape
Large viking fleet moves out with marine and banshee support
jookToJung tries to morph banelings but LittleBoy spots it and takes them out
The vikings sweep away the mutalisks and there's nothing that can hit the banshees
jookToJung concedes
Artosis hadn't seen the strategy before and jookToJung clearly hadn't either. Very interesting build by LittleBoy.
Game 2 - Blistering Sands
Hatch first for jookToJung, techlab opening for LittleBoy
jookToJung steals gas, LittleBoy gets stim very early
The drone stealing gas cancels and spots two more barracks for LittleBoy
He adds another barracks while jookToJung gets a baneling nest
Three reactors for the barracks and marine shield researching, still on one gas, no expansion
Lair finishes for jookToJung, LittleBoy tears down the rocks in the back of his base
He moves out with all his SCVs, baneling speed upgading but too late
Banelings dart in and kill almost every SCV
The marines are the ones who deal damage, though, and they're still alive
The marines stim and slaughter the second wave of slow banelings before they get close
jookToJung has nothing left and has to surrender
Seeing so many SCVs die at once to banelings seemed devastating, but that's what LittleBoy wanted to happen. The marines were what the banelings needed to deal with, and failing to do so cost jookToJung the game.
Commentary: Even though Starcraft 2 strategies are constantly evolving, it's quite rare to see such a fresh strategy in a GSL game. I'm not sure that LittleBoy's viking/banshee "sky Terran" composition was quite as unprecedented as Artosis thought, but certainly for an unorthodox strategy it looked extremely polished. Like Jys, LittleBoy doesn't have a known team affiliation, so it's extra impressive he managed to finetune it more or less on his own.
MakaPrime (T) vs IMSleep (Z)
Match Rating: 5/10
Click for play by play and match commentary
Game 1 - Xel'Naga Caverns
Hatch first for Sleep.
Maka makes two barracks, one at the top of the ramp and one on the low ground right in front of his ramp.
Maka gets a second command center and both gas geysers, then a third barracks in his main
Zerglings poke to the low ground, Maka adds a depot to the bottom of his ramp to wall it off
Sleep is late saturating his natural because of the zerglings he made, but Maka sits at home
Maka floats the command center to his natural, pushes the zerglings out of the area
Sleep makes a baneling nest as zergling speed finishes
Sleep tries to morph banelings but marauders force a cancel
Sleep attacks with some banelings but they all hit marauders
Zerglings clean up the marines but with many losses
Large baneling force attacks the natural, but Maka's building placement and marauders crush the attack
Maka's building placement at his natural is quite remarkable, incidentally, makign a normally wide open natural look impenetrable
Sleep finally starts a spire, Maka gets two dropships and gets his marines and marauders inside
Sleep spots the dropships and repels, but the troops for a cancel at Sleep's third
The dropships fly around behind the bases, but zerglings and mutalisks kill them easily
Zerglings poke the natural but a large infantry force supported by two siege tanks repels them easily
Mutalisks poke the back of Maka's base, Maka stims all his marines and never gets in range
Maka pushes out with five siege tanks and tons of marines, clearing the rocks at his gold
Maka's army heads up to the third base and kills it easily
Sleep thinks about countering but ultimately puts only a few zerglings into the expansion mineral line
Maka builds a planetary fortress at his gold, Sleep switches to roach
Dancing around in the center of the map as they jockey for position
Finally Sleep commits to the attack, but the five siege tanks make short work of his army
Sleep concedes
Except for the two dropships, Maka was one step ahead of Sleep the entire game.
Game 2 - Steppes of War
6 pool for Sleep, standard play for Maka
Sleep sends his drones with his zerglings
Sleep positions a drone at the spot where the wall-in would finish
Maka goes past it and builds a depot and a bunker at the bottom of the ramp
Bad idea: the surface area makes it easy for Sleep to break through the depot
The first marine gets surrounded by drones and dies
Micro fight ensues and although theoretically behind, Maka wins pretty decisively
Sleep surrenders
Not much to say about this. Maka microed better.
Commentary: This was the day's first really one-sided match. The first game went on for a while but Maka was always in control. The second game was a desperate play on an unfavorable map. Zerg confidence on Steppes of War is obviously very low, which is making it even more unfavorable than it would be otherwise. Cruising to victory should leave Maka feeling confident going into the round of 32.
Hatch first for Sleep.
Maka makes two barracks, one at the top of the ramp and one on the low ground right in front of his ramp.
Maka gets a second command center and both gas geysers, then a third barracks in his main
Zerglings poke to the low ground, Maka adds a depot to the bottom of his ramp to wall it off
Sleep is late saturating his natural because of the zerglings he made, but Maka sits at home
Maka floats the command center to his natural, pushes the zerglings out of the area
Sleep makes a baneling nest as zergling speed finishes
Sleep tries to morph banelings but marauders force a cancel
Sleep attacks with some banelings but they all hit marauders
Zerglings clean up the marines but with many losses
Large baneling force attacks the natural, but Maka's building placement and marauders crush the attack
Maka's building placement at his natural is quite remarkable, incidentally, makign a normally wide open natural look impenetrable
Sleep finally starts a spire, Maka gets two dropships and gets his marines and marauders inside
Sleep spots the dropships and repels, but the troops for a cancel at Sleep's third
The dropships fly around behind the bases, but zerglings and mutalisks kill them easily
Zerglings poke the natural but a large infantry force supported by two siege tanks repels them easily
Mutalisks poke the back of Maka's base, Maka stims all his marines and never gets in range
Maka pushes out with five siege tanks and tons of marines, clearing the rocks at his gold
Maka's army heads up to the third base and kills it easily
Sleep thinks about countering but ultimately puts only a few zerglings into the expansion mineral line
Maka builds a planetary fortress at his gold, Sleep switches to roach
Dancing around in the center of the map as they jockey for position
Finally Sleep commits to the attack, but the five siege tanks make short work of his army
Sleep concedes
Except for the two dropships, Maka was one step ahead of Sleep the entire game.
Game 2 - Steppes of War
6 pool for Sleep, standard play for Maka
Sleep sends his drones with his zerglings
Sleep positions a drone at the spot where the wall-in would finish
Maka goes past it and builds a depot and a bunker at the bottom of the ramp
Bad idea: the surface area makes it easy for Sleep to break through the depot
The first marine gets surrounded by drones and dies
Micro fight ensues and although theoretically behind, Maka wins pretty decisively
Sleep surrenders
Not much to say about this. Maka microed better.
Commentary: This was the day's first really one-sided match. The first game went on for a while but Maka was always in control. The second game was a desperate play on an unfavorable map. Zerg confidence on Steppes of War is obviously very low, which is making it even more unfavorable than it would be otherwise. Cruising to victory should leave Maka feeling confident going into the round of 32.
oGsTheWinD (Z) vs GoldenfOu (Z)
Match Rating: 7/10
Click for play by play and match commentary
Game 1 - Xel'Naga Caverns
Fast spawning pool for TheWinD, on about 8 or 9
Golden goes pool first and scouts TheWinD's fast pool early, then hides the drone
The first six zerglings arrive tright as the spawning pool finishes
The hidden drone goes into TheWinD's base during the micro battle and scouts
Golden's zerglings come out and he drives off the attack with minimal damage
TheWinD blocks his ramp with queens and gets a lair
Golden expands to his natural, snipes an overlord with queens
TheWinD transitions into roaches, Golden pokes but can't get up the ramp
TheWinD upgrading burrow, loses another overlord
A zergling scouts the roaches, so TheWinD pushes out
Three queens and a spine crawler defending the natural
Multiple transfusions keeps the spine crawler alive
Zerglings surround the roaches and kill them
Reinforcements arrive for TheWinD, fighting roaches and queens now
Golden gets a spore crawler to help spot the burrowed roaches
Lots of back and forth fighting at Golden's natural
Finally an overseer comes and TheWinD loses most of the roaches
Three roaches burrow move around the back of the natural and into the main
They unborrow and kill the queen, then harass drones
With the help of the overseer, Golden finally cleans it up, but loses several drones
Golden makes extra overseers and sends one in to contaminate hatcheries
With TheWinD's production crippled, Golden presses with his roach army
Thanks to contaminate, Golden's army is far larger and he wins easily
TheWinD surrenders
Game 2 - Shakuras Plateau
Cross positions, TheWinD bottom right, Golden upper left
Both players go hatch first, but TheWinD's is later because Golden's drone blocks for twenty seconds
Both players get zergling speed, baneling nest, and spine crawler
TheWinD goes lair, Golden gets a roach warren
Golden finally starts the lair while TheWinD begins his spire
Golden gets a hydra den while mutalisks come out for TheWinD
The mutas snipe a scouting overseeer and TheWinD gets a third
Golden gets an infestation pit
TheWinD switches to roaches and gets burrow upgrades
Golden moves out with a dozen hydras and several infestors
TheWinD attacks Golden's army with roach/baneling but infestors kill the banelings with fungal growth
From there Golden's hydras, reinforced by roaches, outnumber and destroy TheWinD's roaches
Massive roach/hydra army kills TheWinD's natural
TheWinD kills most drones at Golden's main with mutas
The mutas would lose a bace race, so TheWinD flies them back
There are too many hydras for the mutas to handle, TheWinD has no way to stop Golden's army
TheWinD finally surrenders
Commentary: TheWinD was the favorite given his decent performance at GSL 2 and the All-Stars tournament, but Golden looked like he was better by a fair margin. Since TheWinD was eliminated in both of those tournaments by Zerg players, he just may not be comfortable in ZvZ. With two relative unknowns as possible opponents in the round of 32 (Rache / BoogieBoy), Golden looks like a strong contender for the round of 16.
Fast spawning pool for TheWinD, on about 8 or 9
Golden goes pool first and scouts TheWinD's fast pool early, then hides the drone
The first six zerglings arrive tright as the spawning pool finishes
The hidden drone goes into TheWinD's base during the micro battle and scouts
Golden's zerglings come out and he drives off the attack with minimal damage
TheWinD blocks his ramp with queens and gets a lair
Golden expands to his natural, snipes an overlord with queens
TheWinD transitions into roaches, Golden pokes but can't get up the ramp
TheWinD upgrading burrow, loses another overlord
A zergling scouts the roaches, so TheWinD pushes out
Three queens and a spine crawler defending the natural
Multiple transfusions keeps the spine crawler alive
Zerglings surround the roaches and kill them
Reinforcements arrive for TheWinD, fighting roaches and queens now
Golden gets a spore crawler to help spot the burrowed roaches
Lots of back and forth fighting at Golden's natural
Finally an overseer comes and TheWinD loses most of the roaches
Three roaches burrow move around the back of the natural and into the main
They unborrow and kill the queen, then harass drones
With the help of the overseer, Golden finally cleans it up, but loses several drones
Golden makes extra overseers and sends one in to contaminate hatcheries
With TheWinD's production crippled, Golden presses with his roach army
Thanks to contaminate, Golden's army is far larger and he wins easily
TheWinD surrenders
Game 2 - Shakuras Plateau
Cross positions, TheWinD bottom right, Golden upper left
Both players go hatch first, but TheWinD's is later because Golden's drone blocks for twenty seconds
Both players get zergling speed, baneling nest, and spine crawler
TheWinD goes lair, Golden gets a roach warren
Golden finally starts the lair while TheWinD begins his spire
Golden gets a hydra den while mutalisks come out for TheWinD
The mutas snipe a scouting overseeer and TheWinD gets a third
Golden gets an infestation pit
TheWinD switches to roaches and gets burrow upgrades
Golden moves out with a dozen hydras and several infestors
TheWinD attacks Golden's army with roach/baneling but infestors kill the banelings with fungal growth
From there Golden's hydras, reinforced by roaches, outnumber and destroy TheWinD's roaches
Massive roach/hydra army kills TheWinD's natural
TheWinD kills most drones at Golden's main with mutas
The mutas would lose a bace race, so TheWinD flies them back
There are too many hydras for the mutas to handle, TheWinD has no way to stop Golden's army
TheWinD finally surrenders
Commentary: TheWinD was the favorite given his decent performance at GSL 2 and the All-Stars tournament, but Golden looked like he was better by a fair margin. Since TheWinD was eliminated in both of those tournaments by Zerg players, he just may not be comfortable in ZvZ. With two relative unknowns as possible opponents in the round of 32 (Rache / BoogieBoy), Golden looks like a strong contender for the round of 16.
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